Version 3 of the The UKONS ONCOLOGY/HAEMATO-ONCOLOGY 24 Hour Triage Toolkit
Launched 27th January 2025 - plesea check you are using the latest version.
- It is a clear symptom-based risk assessment process, that uses a RAG scoring system to triage patients who contact telephone advice lines with side effects/toxicities of Systemic Anti- Cancer Treatment.
- It identifies patients at risk and advises action according to the level of risk:-
All Green = no immediate risk
1 Amber = moderate risk –commence active monitoring
Red or multiple amber = considerable risk arrange face to face assessment
- It is a standardised evidence-based triage process that and has been piloted and evaluated positively. It is now used widely in the UK and has been translated into a number of languages for use internationally
- It includes a training and competency framework to support education and implementation
- It is an excellent tool for the support of communication and collection of data
- It is a useful tool to assess the quality and safety of the telephone advice line service