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The Quality Metrics group will have oversight of both quantitative and qualitative data that aims to inform on AOS service activity and performance. The group will support AO metric development and evaluation across the 4 nations. The group recognises that data collection processes may differ in the 4 nations but will strive to define a UK wide set of service measures that will support the development of future Acute Oncology Services and allow benchmarking and review across national boundaries - Acute Oncology is Everyone's Business.

You can review the group terms of reference at this link

The group also recognises the long-term requirement to incorporate patient experience and new service measures into the development of future AO Services and the desire to ensure that service measures are developed with a 4-nation viewpoint.

Aims of the DQMG 

  • Development of national metrics including sentinel metrics and Quality surveillance
  • Development and analysis of national AO minimum data set
  • Development of Service Measures with a 4-Nation viewpoint
  • Create standardised surveys and processes for capturing and analysing Patient experience
  • Create standardised surveys and processes for capturing and analysing professional experience


This group is led by:

  • Chair - Dr Ernie Marshall
  • Vice Chairs - Joanne Mekin and Catherine Donnelly
  • The group will meet 4 monthly via TEAMS
  • Minutes of the DQMG can be found here
  • Usefull information and DQMG meeting presentations can be found here

Membership is open to health care professionals or data analysts with an interest in developing Acute Oncology metrics and quality measures.

If you would like to join the group, please complete an enquiry form on the UKAOS website, and we will respond.


image-20221124150926-4.pngRelated Achievements 

COSD AO Dataset and User Guidance

In 2020 COSD v9 introduced a handful of AO data items into the Core dataset.  In 2024, COSD v10 was published with a few updates to the AO data items.  These data are to be collected by AOS and linked to a cancer record so they can be submitted to the Registeries for national analysis.

The links below will take you to the COSD AO User Guidance, providing an overview of the data items to be collected and submitted to the registries, the purpose of data, and interpretations for each data item and the value lists:

COSD v9: Core – Acute oncology - NDRS (digital.nhs.uk) (this is still a valid dataset and can continue to be submitted until each Organisation has introduced all the changes required in COSD v10)

COSD v10: Core – Acute oncology - NDRS (digital.nhs.uk) (new AO value lists and rules have been introduced)

COSD v10 became mandatory for collection from April 2024. 

Any questions about the Guidance can be shared with us here: Contact us :: UK Acute Oncology Society

Check: to check if your Organisation is submitting data to the Registries, Acute Oncology Assessment reports have been added to CancerStats which can be filtered by Alliance and Organisation.  Below is information about how to log in to Cancerstats and where the Acute Oncology Assessment reports can be accessed.


  COSD AO Dashboards now available on CancerStats

  • A close-up of a computer screenDescription automatically generatedThis news relates directly to Acute Oncology Data collection supported by NHS England. 
  • CancerStats AO Dashboard Log in | CancerStats (ndrs.nhs.uk) > Bespoke Reports > Acute Oncology Assessments 
  • Catherine Donnelly has provided some helpful information below

The purpose of the AO Dashboards is to allow AOS to check the quality and completeness of the COSD AO data being submitted by Organisations to the Registeries.

A video on the NHS England NDRS website provides an overview CancerStats Acute Oncology Assessment reports and COSD AO v10 updates - you can find the video here along with other videos and presentations from the COSD and cancer data roadshows 2024 - NDRS (digital.nhs.uk)

The collection of a standardised data set allows organisations to measure and compare activity and outcomes across their own footprint, neighbouring organisations, regionally and nationally.  This will support quality assessment of services and help to identify areas of concern and in need of development.

Organisations may already have systems in place to support COSD submissions - click here to find out more about COSD: Cancer Outcomes and Services Data set (COSD) - NDRS (digital.nhs.uk) 


CancerStats Acute Oncology Assessment Reports - what's counted, what's not

There are some variations between what what you hold locally, what is submitted to the Registeries and what is counted in the Acute Oncology Assessment reports.  The discrepancies will be due to one or more of the following:

  • AO data may not be included in the Organisations COSD submission.
  • COSD v9 Dashboards only include counts of face to face assessment records.
  • Only assessments associated with a Primary cancer are counted.
  • If a patient has multiple assessment records with the same date, only one assessment record will be counted.
  • Priority logic applied to records with more than one Patient Type will count only one, e.g., if Cancer Complication and MSCC are recorded for the same assessment, MSCC will be included in the count, rather than Cancer Complication or if Treatment Complication and NS are recorded for the same assessment, NS will be included in the count.


The rules have changed with the introduction of COSD v10 (April 2024) and telephone assessment records can also be submitted to the Registries and will be counted in the reports.

Future versions of the CancerStats reports will reflect the value list changes introduced in COSD v10.

We will work with the CancerStats team to see if assessments linked to Recurrences can also be counted in the Dashboards. 


COSD Roadshows January and February 2024

These Roadshows have now been completed and the presentations are available to view in the following location: COSD and cancer data roadshows 2024 - NDRS (digital.nhs.uk), including the Acute Oncology presentation video.


Feedback and Questions 

If you have any feedback or questions about DQMG membership, the CancerStats or Acute Oncology data in general, please submit your enquiry here: Contact us :: UK Acute Oncology Society


Quality Improvement Initiatives

We would like to include/share Quality Improvement Intiatives and Acute Oncology Audits that are in progress or have been completed. Please contact us if you would be happy to share your information/outcomes.

Acute Oncology Service reviews are underway in the following areas:
  • Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance
  • Wales Cancer Network
  • Merseyside and Cheshire Cancer Alliance
  • Wessex Cancer Alliance

We value your feedback and suggestions for improvement: If you would like to suggest additional content or report any broken/ out of date  links please complete a contact form and we will get in touch.

Please note that you should always assume that the website group, society and authors /owners of any of these document’s links or guidance make no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of any of the content and make no warranties express implied or otherwise and cannot be held responsible for any liability, loss or damage whatsoever caused by the use of the content. You should always act within the limits of your competence and seek senior advice or support where appropriate.