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The Treatment Toxicity Subgroup (TTSG)

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Exciting News - this group is undergoing a refresh and will be launched shortly.

Please keep an eye on this page and we will update you regarding progress.   


This will be an overarching subgroup that will cover the acute side effects/ toxicities that may arise as a consequence of any of the full spectrum of systemic anti-cancer therapy treatments, and work to provide support and guidance for the health care teams supporting patients.

The aims of the subgroup are:

  • to work with the society members and relevant national groups and organisations to share information and highlight areas of best practice and areas of concern
  • to collaborate with national groups and organisations to produce/review acute oncology guidelines and guidance
  • to provide expert opinion relating to the management of treatment related toxicities to promote and support innovation and service development
  • to review, develop and share information and guidance relating to acute effects of new and evolving treatments 

The group will have key links with:

  • The UK Chemotherapy Board
  • UKONS Acute Oncology SACT Members Interest Group

If you would like to be involved in this group please complete an enquiry form on our contact us page