UKAOS Malignancy of Unknown Origin (MUO) subgroup
Our lead is Alison Taylor our UKAOS board member with a special interest in MUO. If you wish to be involved then please contact us via this link.
Aim of Subgroup -The Malignancy of unknown origin (MUO) sub group will focus on the diagnosis and pathways for the diagnosis of MUO. The broad aims of the UKAOS Subgroups are: • Knowledge creation and sharing to develop practice and improve the quality of learning and teaching – action- finding, collating, organising, and distributing knowledge to Subgroup members and the wider health care community. • Developing, validating, and disseminating best practice. • Problem solving, bringing together expertise to focus on solving a common problem, thus providing benefits to members and the wider health care community. • Innovation-review and highlight and disseminate new and emerging areas of knowledge. Identify opportunities for innovation and research. |
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Membership and structure Membership This group is managed by a committee drawn from members of UKAOS Chair - Alison Taylor Vice Chair – Dr Alia Alchawaf oncologist Officers (chair and vice chair) will serve a term of 2 years with the opportunity to be eligible to apply for one further 2-year term. New officers will be elected from the wider group membership.
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Membership:The group will have representation from AO nurses and oncologists/NSS/ ED / MAU / from the 4 nations. No member from Scotland at present - Membership is open to clinical and lay members with an interest in MUO Meetings:The community of all subgroup member will meet 3 monthly via TEAMS (with the aim to meet one month before the UKAOS board meetings) Smaller groups of core members/officers will meet more frequently to work on project work and short task and finish group work as per the work plan. Minutes of the MUO subgroup meetings can be found here ADD LINK to documents Useful information and MUO subgroup meeting presentations can be found here Link in development |
Decision making:The Subgroup will make decisions by consensus of a quorate of at least four members. In the event of a vote being necessary the decision will be reached by a simple majority of members present, in person or by telephone. In the event of a tie, the Chairs will have a casting vote. Group terms of reference and governance can be found at this link Reporting and communication:• The Subgroup will be accountable for all its actions. • The Subgroup will provide a verbal update (exception report) report to the UKAOS board every 3 months. The Subgroup chair or deputy will be co-opted to attend the board meeting. • The subgroup will provide a written annual report using a standardised template and aligned with the UKAOS AGM process.
WorkplanThe group are currently developing the workplan it will be added here once approved.
Current projects: Emergency presentation of cancer survey The UK Acute Oncology Society (UKAOS) Malignancy of unknown origin (MUO) subgroup are scoping how patients with MUO start their clinical journey from acute presentation to definitive management. We know that:
We invite you to complete the questionnaire using the following link ► or QR code below: |
We appreciate how busy everyone is, but we would be very grateful if you can complete the questionnaire. Please feel free to forward to others contacts too. Thank you for completing the questionnaire - if you have any questions, please email Alison Taylor Acute Oncology Nurse Consultant UKAOS MUO subgroup lead
Follow this link to see Alison Taylor 's presentation on MUO and CUP practice for the SAM webinar series 2024