RfPB Under-represented disciplines and specialisms highlight notice: Nurses and Midwives
The Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) programme invites applications from nurses and midwives to the first highlight notice of a series addressing NIHR strategy to strengthen careers of under-represented disciplines and specialisms.
The call offers researchers considerable flexibility to focus on any subject area or topic provided the application is within RfPB remit.
The call is for proposals up to £500,000 for a period of up to three years and follows RfPB tiered approach to funding limits according to the trajectory to patient benefit.
All applications to this highlight notice must have a nurse or a midwife in an early stage of their research career as either the lead or joint-lead applicant. We are keen to encourage fresh ideas from new researchers and appropriate applications are welcomed from those with limited research experience when supported by an experienced, strong and multi-disciplinary team.
More information about this highlight notice can be found in the call specification.
If you have any queries regarding this call, please note that we are holding a webinar on Monday 16 January 2023 at 2 pm with a live Q&A for which you can register below. Alternatively, please submit your questions and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
For further information please follow this link: RfPB Under-represented disciplines and specialisms highlight notice: Nurses and Midwives | NIHR