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Spotlight- Poster Exhibition Hall on the UKAOS website

We recognise that a huge amount of valuable information is presented at conferences as posters. We would like to help share this information with a wider audience. Please consider forwarding your posters to us for inclusion in our virtual exhibition hall.

Topics include:

Service Improvement Audit and Evaluation
Immunotherapy MSCC
Emergency Cancer Diagnosis (MUO/CUP) Education and Training
Telephone Assessment/Triage Advanced Practice
Research Patient Experience


  • We need to know the authors names, the conference that the poster was presented at and have permission to upload from the lead author.
  • We will need a PDF or link to the poster.
  • We are aware that posters sometimes include internet images/cartoons that are subject to copyright. Please could you amend/remove any such images before submission.
  • Please use the contact us form to submit.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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