Study Participants Invitation - exploration of health anxiety in healthcare professionals.
Dear UKAOS member
I am a trainee clinical psychologist, completing a Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Southampton. As part of my training, I am completing a research study. The research seeks to explore health anxiety in healthcare professionals working in inpatient oncology, neurorehabilitation and acute/PICU mental health settings. Healthcare professionals will be invited to complete an anonymous survey which includes demographic information, a range of evidence-based questionnaires and two open-ended questions created by the researchers.
Please follow this link to find more information and complete the survey if you would like to contribute
Thank you very much in advance for your time and any support you may be able to provide.
Juliana Figueiredo
Trainee Clinical Psychologist (2022-2025)
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
Doctoral College (FELS)
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ