UKAOS Board Member awarded MBE in New Years Honours List

UKAOS are incredibly proud to announce that our dear friend and colleague, philippa jones, has deservedly been recognised in the 2024 New Year Honours list and awarded an MBE for services to oncology.
Philippa has worked in the NHS throughout her career and applied her knowledge of emergency care to the challenge of unplanned cancer care. As a cancer nurse, Philippa identified the specific issues of unplanned cancer care and the need for a national system of cancer triage. The UKONS triage tool was formally launched in 2010 following 4 years of painstaking development. Philippa was not only instrumental in the development of the tool, but has consistently identified new ways to raise awareness and broaden access across the healthcare services in the UK and wider afield across the globe. The UKONS tool is now viewed as a beacon of excellence and forms the basis of emergency cancer triage as part of NHS E specification for Cancer treatment helplines.
During her 50 years of working in the NHS, Philippa has been a key driver of Acute Oncology nursing and was a case reviewer for the pivotal 2009 NCEPOD audit (‘For better or worse’) that directly led to the launch of National Acute Oncology Services as described and recommended by the National Chemotherapy Advisory Group (NCAG) report, Chemotherapy Services in England: Ensuring Quality & Safety (2009).
Philippa is very much the face of Acute Oncology and has taken her clinical role into a national leadership role to shape Acute Oncology services. Philippa was recognised for her pioneering work as Cancer Nurse of the year in 2016 whilst working as Acute Oncology nurse advisor to Macmillan. Philippa was a key member of the NHS E Chemotherapy Clinical Reference group (CRG), Acute Oncology work stream and a co-author on national guidance (Acute Oncology Advice to Cancer Alliances -2017) and updated cancer peer review for Acute Oncology services.
Philippa’s leadership and energy know no bounds and in retirement became a founding member of UKAOS at a critical time when national leadership was waning and when greater cohesion and partnership was needed in a post COVID health service. Throughout her career and continuing into retirement, Philippa has created a powerful collaborative network, through her unique personality, humour and personal energy that continues to drive innovation in service delivery and to shape future Acute Oncology Strategy.
On behalf of the UKAOS Board, PMG, Subgroups and membership, we wholeheartedly thank and applaud you Philippa. Well done you!
Written by Dr Ernie Marshall, Chair of the UKAOS Board