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Updates - 24-Hour Triage Helplines - Low Risk Febrile Neutropenia Pathway - UKONS Acute Oncology Initial Management Guidelines - Acute Oncology Competency Passports

1. 24-Hour Triage Helplines - UKONS and UKAOS have secured funding to develop an on line learning programme to support both the development and delivery of 24 -Hour Triage Helplines. UKONS,UKAOS and Health Education England will be working together to develop this resource. 

We are still keen to collect as much information regarding current helpline practice and delivery, please do complete our survey and also please tell us about your service. The survey can be accessed here 

2. Low Risk Febrile Neutropenia Pathway - we are reviewing the concensus LRFN Pathway and will update our members regarding progress. We are still keen to gather information regarding LRFN in practice please follow the link to our survey if you have not already done so.

 3. UKONS Acute Oncology Initial Management Guidelines - UKAOS is participating in the review of the UKONS AO Initial Management Guidelines. This review is underway and both UKONS and UKAOS will keep you updated.

4.  Acute Oncology Competency Passports - UK Oncology Nursing Society (UKONS) Competency Passports for recognition and management of Acute Oncology presentations. The passports will provide/describe competencies required to deliver role specific acute oncology care. The passports align with the Acute Oncology Knowledge & Skills Guidance document developed by UKONS, in 2018  UKONS.org. This project has the support of Health Education England funding and aims to standardise Acute Oncology learning across multi-disciplinary groups within the 4 Nations.


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