Acute Oncology Education Survey- Autumn 2024 --- SURVEY LINK HERE
Dear colleagues, the national AO education group are looking to gather some information on preferred topics of education to help focus future work within the group and across the wider AO community.
We'd like to hear from you about your top 5 educational topics but to ensure we're tailoring the education to best meet the needs of different staff groups we'd also like to gather some additional information about the setting and role you work in and your level of practice. Please share this survey with colleagues in your networks so we can gather a list of topics from across a wide range of healthcare staff.
This survey is anonymous and results will be shared within the AO education group and to the UKONS AO MIG committee & UKAOS board/subgroups to help shape educational offerings. If you'd like to join the group as a forum for AO education please fill in your details here: https://forms.office.com/e/QsnG1Fr7KC
National guidance emphasises the importance of providing appropriate training and support to all healthcare workers who may be involved in the care of these patients. Patients will present to primary, community and urgent care workers, and role-specific appropriate education should be available to ensure that they have the skills required to recognise acute oncology presentations and know how to access support and advice. uch of the training and education is suitable for all members of the multidisciplinary team, so do please move between the page links below and explore what is available. NEW Version of UKONS Acute Oncology Knowledge and Skills Framework Published with Competence Passport User GuideThe UK Oncology Nursing Society (UKONS) are delighted to publish Version 2 of the UKONS Acute Oncology Knowledge and Skills Framewor k with Competence Passport User Guide (formerly the UKONS Acute Oncology Knowledge and Skills Guidance). Acute Oncology (AO) services aim to increase urgent access for patients with suspected oncological emergencies and reduce the length of time patients spend in hospital by streamlining care. Education and training to develop specialist acute oncology knowledge and skills across the workforce is needed to improve the outcomes and experiences of people with cancer. This Framework describes four Levels of Practice and lists competences to standardise practice at each level. It also includes guidance on the use of the Acute Oncology Competence Assessment Passports. Together this suite of documents aims to standardise AO education, training and competence assessment to ensure good delivery of high-quality care to people with cancer. The Framework aims to support the development of a knowledgeable, skilled, and competent workforce that treat and care for patients with an acute oncology indication. This links to NHS England’s Workforce Training and Education Directorate (formerly Health Education England) goals within the Cancer Workforce plan focussing on prevention, earlier diagnosis, better treatment and living with cancer: www.hee.nhs.uk/our-work/cancer-workforce-plan This Framework also aligns with the NHS England Aspirant Career and Education Development (ACCEND) Capability Framework (2023) for all staff outside of medicine who work in cancer care. The Framework can also be used in conjunction with competency frameworks from Royal Colleges. Both the historic and the new frameworks can be accessed via the UKONS website HERE
The Acute Oncology Passports are Here |
- Interactive pdf copies of levels 2,3 and 4 can be accessed for free via the ruddocks ordering portal (UKONS | ukons.myprintdesk.net), to view these options in addition to the printed versions, staff need to create a user account.
- They can then view the download options for Level 2, 3 and 4 and add to their basket. To checkout, select PO number but enter your email where it asks for the number to be inputted.
- If there’s an issue with the ordering portal people can contact Ruddocks directly ukons@ruddocks.co.uk.
- To reduce costs of printed versions, it’s suggested that organisations place a bulk order to reduce unit prices, smaller organisations may wish to place an order with other teams in their Alliance/Network/Health Board.
Level 1 - Core Knowledge and Skills - Digital AO Level 1 Passport
What will I learn?
If you are looking to enhance your understanding of Acute Oncology (AO) This module will equip you with the core knowledge required to support people with the problems they may experience as a result of living with cancer or from its treatment.
Who is it for?
This module is suitable for anyone who works in health or social care who may be in contact with acutely unwell patients with a cancer diagnosis such as:
Staff in primary or secondary care who contact, assess, or treat people living with cancer
The supportive and assistive workforce
Pre-registration healthcare students
Early career acute oncology professionals
Call handlers such as 999,111 and charity call handlers
This on line course has been developed collaboratively with Macmillan Cancer support , it is free of charge and you do not have to be a Macmillan Professional to access it.
Level 2 - Intermediate Knowledge and Skills - Digital AO Level 2 Passport
This Level 2 Acute Oncology Competency Passport provides intermediate level knowledge, skills and competency for registered healthcare professionals who provide cancer care as part of their usual roles, and may be involved in the care of any of the following patient groups:
• Acutely unwell adult patients who present as an emergency and have a suspected new diagnosis of cancer
• Acutely unwell adult patients who are currently receiving systemic anti-cancer treatment (SACT) and/or radiotherapy
• Acutely unwell adult patients who have a known cancer diagnosis and may be suffering from acute complications of cancer.
What will I learn?
The provision of care for these groups of patients is referred to as acute oncology and the primary aim of this competence document is to ensure:
• There is an understanding of principles of acute oncology
• Acute oncology patients and presentations are fully recognised
• There is understanding of the importance of urgent intervention to get the best outcomes for patients with acute oncology problems
• There is an understanding of the local Acute Oncology Service provided and how and when to contact them
• Required urgent or emergency management is initiated
• Referral and communication with the Acute Oncology Service is completed as appropriate
• Appropriate ongoing management of the patient occurs.
Who is it for?
The scope of this Level 2 competence passport includes the roles:
• Paramedics and Ambulance Clinicians
• General Practitioners
• Acute Care Allied Healthcare Professionals
• Registered healthcare professionals working in areas that accept, assess and/or admit acutely unwell patients
• Oncology / Haematology Site-Specific Clinical Nurse Specialists
• Hospice and Palliative Care Community Teams
• Specialist Palliative Care Teams (or Level 3 if they have a regular, active participatory role in the provision of Acute Oncology Services)
• All Junior Doctors in the hospital
• All Specialist Registrars, Speciality Doctors, and Consultants in acute and emergency care areas
• Hospital consultants other than oncologists and haematologists
Level 3 - Advanced Knowledge and Skills - Digital Level 3 Passport
The purpose of this Level 3 Acute Oncology Competence Assessment Passport is to assess the knowledge, skills and competence of registered health professionals that meet the criteria of Advanced (Level 3) practice described within the UKONS Acute Oncology Knowledge and Skills Framework (UKONS and Macmillan Cancer Support, 2018). This includes health professionals who have a regular, active, participatory role in the provision of acute oncology services (AOS) for the following patient groups:
• Acutely unwell adult patients who present as an emergency and have a suspected new diagnosis of cancer
• Acutely unwell adult patients who are currently receiving systemic anti-cancer treatment (SACT)* and/or radiotherapy
• Acutely unwell adult patients who have a known cancer diagnosis and may be suffering from acute complications of cancer
What will I learn?
The provision of care for these groups of patients is referred to as acute oncology and the primary aim of this competence document is to ensure:
• A thorough understanding of the principles of acute oncology
• Patients requiring acute oncology services are fully recognised
• A comprehensive understanding of the scope of the AOS provided locally and regionally
• Required urgent / emergency management is initiated, and appropriate ongoing management of the patient is continued
• Referral and communication with the hospital’s AOS is completed as appropriate
• Advanced clinical skills are utilised to prevent serious complications as early as possible; advanced management decisions can be made, and expert advice given as necessary on issues such as escalation and ceiling of care
• Full understanding of urgent intervention to get the best outcomes for patients with acute oncology indications
• Participation in the development of relevant protocols and pathways
• Regular involvement in activities to improve service quality such as clinical audits, mortality and morbidity reviews, serious incident reviews and relevant research activity
• Education, training, and assessment of competency of staff working at Level 1 and Level 2 of the UKONS Acute Oncology Knowledge and Skills Framework..
Who is it for?
Staff required to achieve Level 3 competences may include:
• Acute Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialists
• Acute Oncology Advanced Clinical Practitioners
• All Specialist Registrars in oncology and haematology
• Highly specialised AO health professionals
• Members of the Specialist Palliative Care team, if they have a regular, active participatory role in the provision of AOS.
This document should be used as part of acute oncology training for the induction and awareness of all those involved in the recognition and management of patients with an acute oncology indication within AOS. The core learning outcomes are as described within the UKONS Acute Oncology Knowledge and Skills Framework (UKONS and Macmillan Cancer Support, 2024). Specific competences are described in more detail below to guide the structured learning through this Passport.
Level 4 - Expert Knowledge and Skills - Digital Level 4 Passport
UK Acute Oncology Competence Assessment Passport for management and strategic leadership of acute oncology services at practice Level 4.
The purpose of this Level 4 Acute Oncology Competency Passport is to assess the knowledge, skills and competence of health professionals that meet the criteria of Expert (Level 4) practice described within the UKONS Acute Oncology Knowledge and Skills Guidance (UK Oncology Nursing Society and Macmillan Cancer Support, 2024).
This includes health professionals who have a regular, active, participatory role in the provision of acute oncology services (AOS) for the following patient groups:
• Acutely unwell adult patients who present as an emergency and have a suspected new diagnosis of cancer
• Acutely unwell adult patients who are currently receiving systemic anti-cancer treatment (SACT*) and/or radiotherapy
• Acutely unwell adult patients who have a known cancer diagnosis and may be suffering from acute complications of cancer.
What do I need to Know?
The provision of care for these groups of patients is referred to as acute oncology and the primary aim of this competence document is to ensure:
• There is an in-depth understanding of the principles of acute oncology • Acute oncology patients and presentations are fully recognised
• The importance of urgent intervention to get the best outcomes for patients with acute oncology problems is fully understood
• Required urgent / emergency management is initiated and appropriate ongoing management of the patient is continued
• Referral and communication with the hospital Acute Oncology Service is completed as appropriate
• Robust clinical leadership is provided to coordinate and supervise the appropriate ongoing management of the patient and advanced clinical skills are utilised to prevent or detect serious complications as early as possible, to make advanced management decisions; expert advice is given as necessary on issues such as treatment escalation and ceiling of care in close communication with the treating /parent team when this does exist
• Robust clinical leadership is provided in the development of relevant protocols, peer review, service evaluation and patient pathways
• Robust clinical leadership is provided for service quality improvement activities such as clinical audits, mortality and morbidity reviews, serious incident reviews, and relevant research activity
• Patient and public involvement and engagement in service development, service review and evaluation, and relevant research activity • Education, training and assessment of competency is provided for training at all Levels of this framework, with details of these workforce groups outlined within the UKONS Knowledge and Skills Framework.
The scope of this Level 4 competence passport includes the roles:
• Acute Oncology Nurse Consultants
• Acute Oncology Advanced Clinical Practitioners
• Acute Oncology Speciality Doctors
• Oncologists/Haematologists
• Palliative Care, Emergency or Acute Medicine Consultants, if they have a regular, active participatory role in the development, leadership, and provision of AOS.
Freely accessible online learning that will enable learners to achieve these competences can be found within the referenced sources. Other accredited modules are run at a variety of universities that should provide content to meet the competencies outlined within this passport. You can view a list of these courses via the UKAOS website: www.ukacuteoncology.co.uk/training-and-education/acute-oncology-nursing Undertaking this process will facilitate a development programme for more junior staff joining the Acute Oncology Service workforce. The development group has made an assumption that staff working at this Level have a strategic role within Acute Oncology Services. The UKONS Acute Oncology Knowledge and Skills Guidance highlights specific knowledge and skills required to manage the patient group and/or service defined; therefore, it and this Passport are not discipline-specific, nor band-specific. This document is intended to be retained on a personnel or training file for each member of staff, as a permanent and personal record of training
Guy’s Cancer Academy has published a free online learning course for staff who care for people with cancer who are required to achieve the following Level 2 Acute Oncology Learning Outcomes:
The learning resource also includes an introductory section on cancer, it’s treatment and side effects, for staff who are not yet familiar with these topics. At the end of the course, learners are invited to complete an online evaluation form. They will then be able to download a certificate of completion. The course can be accessed by clicking on the link below. https://learning.guyscanceracademy.co.uk/level-2-acute-oncology/#/ |
Educational Resources - links to on line training/articles/papers and useful information
Please do contact us if you would like us to add information and links to any relevant education/training courses that you provide or are developing
Please note that you should always assume that the website group, society and authors /owners of any of these documents links or guidance make no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of any of the content and make no warranties express implied or otherwise and cannot be held responsible for any liability, loss or damage whatsoever caused by the use of the content. You should always act within the limits of your competence and seek senior advice or support where appropriate.